Friday, April 25, 2008

My newest

It's been a while since I've posted.
I'm still the same weight, still not eating great, but I've made 1 great stride today.
I decided that I would use my lunch hour to walk. So, I bought a couple of pairs of pants & tee's that I won't be to embarrassed to change into at work, packed a bag last night with the change of clothes, sneakers, socks, baby powder, walkman, etc.

I changed my clothes in work, and drove to the beach where I walked for 1/2 hour. I forgot how great it feels to do that. I grew up at that beach and my family still lives in the area. I used to walk it almost daily and it was such a great thing to do. I didn't get out of breath, but my shins and calves started to bother me from not walking like that in such a long time. It was almost like I couldn't move my feet as fast as I wanted to. It will take some time for me to work up to a faster pace, but I'm ready for it. I was able to clear my head and just take in the beauty of the ocean. I was so relaxed coming back to work. I'm ready!!

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