Monday, April 28, 2008's the today I start my diet day....

So here I am, another Monday that I proclaim to start my "diet" or healthier eating and exercising start. Don't we always seem to start everything on a Monday?
I packed my breakfast, lunch, snacks for the day and have vowed to stay away from the vending machine. My goal today is to avoid that machine like the plague.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to walk the beach during my lunch hour today since it's supposed to rain like crazy, so I'll have to make sure I get on the treadmill when I get home. I'm making a chicken tonight, so that will give me plenty of time to get some walking in while it's in the oven.

And....I got on the scale this morning...229.5lbs!! Yeah, that's right...gained more weight. I really have to get this under control. I don't even recognize myself anymore. None of my clothes fit, I'm busting out of everything I have to wear to's really disgusting. But I guess not disgusting enough to stop eating. When am I EVER gonna get a grip?????

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