Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I weigh what??????

Yikes!!!! Did I read that right? 228lbs....228lbs....228lbs...
How in the world did I EVER get this fat? Better rephrase that...How in the world did I ever ALLOW myself to get this fat?
In my HS days...(30 years ago) I weighed 132 lbs and thought I was fat!! How I would LOVE to be even close to that now. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would EVER be fat like this.
I can't understand where this food obsession came from. Why? I just don't understand it.
I'm married to a wonderful guy and have a great family...so why food?
My weight has crept up and down for the last 15 years or so. I was 194 lbs 3 years ago and in the past year have just shoved food down my throat and ballooned up to this weight.
I've been pretty lucky in the one aspect, my face isn't fat and I'm pretty tall. So I've been able to somewhat "hide" my fat, until now.
Now.....I'm just disgusted with myself. Rolls on my back...aughh....my thighs are getting enormous, my arms are getting large, not to mention my stomach...yuk.

So...here I am...hoping that by starting this blog, I can get an idea of what is going on with me.
Also hoping that others will share their stories and maybe some insight as to why food is such an obsession. I will write the good and the bad...(like hiding and eating food)...
Maybe if I see this in print, it will help me stop.

I'm sure I'll be editing alot and posting daily....stay tuned!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u no I believe u can do it. I'm only 15 and I'm very self conscious of my body as well . All it takes is a little determination...small steps, baby steps. Your first idea obviously is that you want to loose an anonymous amount of weight but the fact is that your wrong in your thinking. The more you think about how much you have to likedthe more difficult and depressing it's going to b...soooo. here's what I want you to do...cut your calories. for minor weight loss cut 250 calories a day or for extreme 500. and all of this doesn't mean you can't also cut the caloies by working out!!! if you want extreme weight loss work off 250 calories a day and don't eat an extra 250 calories a day. Now I know that your probably thinking your only 15 but I can understand where your coming from. I'm 170 pounds exact but my problem is that I'm verrrry athletic I look like a man lol not litterally but I have just as much muscle as some of my guy friends. although I am pretty. everyone tells me it and I have so many great friends... but back to my point everyone is insecure about themselves but its the person who has nothing to loose and everything to gain who will ultimately succeed [: